Minute 084: Don’t Trouble Yourself, Homer!

  • 11 October, 2024

GUEST: Homer Hickam

Homer’s Website

Jim Hickam asks his father what he’s going to do about the shooting.

“Nothin’,” says John Hickam. “Drunken bastard couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn.”

“He tried to kill you, Dad!” says Jim.

“Yeah, you can’t just stand there-” says Homer, but John cuts him off.

“Don’t trouble yourself, Homer!” says John Hickam. “You got more important things to worry about.”

Elsie touches the bullet home that’s punched through the middle of her beach mural.

“Just go look for your suitcase,” says John.

“Forget about it, Homer,” says Jim.

“Shut up, Jim!” says Homer. Homer angrily pushes past his brother.

Homer turns to his father. “Listen, I’m sorry about what’s going on around here,” says Homer, “but it isn’t my fault! What do you want from me anyway?”

John grabs a beer out of the refrigerator and points at Homer. “You’d better watch yourself, Homer!”

“If I win at Indianapolis, maybe I can go to college!” shouts Homer. “Maybe even get a job at Cape Canaveral! There’s nothin’ here for me! The town is dying! The mine is dying! Everybody knows it but you!”

“You wanna get outta here so bad, then go!” shouts John. “Go!”

“Yeah, I’ll go!” shouts Homer.

“Go!” repeats John.

“And I’ll be gone forever!” says Homer. “I won’t even look back!”

In This Episode

  • Jake Gyllenhall as Homer Hickam
  • Chris Cooper as John Hickam
  • Natalie Canerday as Elsie Hickam
  • Scott Thomas as Jim Hickam
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