GUEST: Author / Journalist Eric Berger
After Principal Turner leaves, Roy Lee speaks up.
“I need to borrow a suitcase, and I’m gonna need you guys’ addresses,” says Roy Lee. “because I’m gonna write some postcards.”
“Would you shut up, Roy Lee!” says O’Dell.
Roy Lee laughs and looks at Homer. “Come on, you dope. You know you’re going, Homer!”
“Yeah,” says Quentin. “Say hello to the outside world for us.”
At the UMW union hall, the union leader is giving a speech.
“Do we know what we want?” he asks.
“Yeah!” say the miners.
“Are we gettin’ it?” asks the leader.
“No!” says the miners.
“All right. All in favor of going on strike, say aye!” says the union leader.
“Aye!” say the miners.
“All right, let’s go!” says the union leader. “All right, shut ’em down! Let’s go! Strike! Strike!”
Jake Mosby watches the strike start, without saying anything.
Jim Hickam listens to the shouts on the Hickams’ front porch.