Minute 067: Chip off the Old Block

  • 02 September, 2024

GUEST: Actor David “Jake Mosby” Dwyer

Jake Mosby is talking with John Hickam. “You know the union won’t put up with it!”

“Just give it a rest, Jake,” says John. “It’s my first day back.”

John walks up to another mine worker, and points at Homer, working on a support column.

“Hey, Lenny, how’s he doin’?” asks John.

“He’s a chip off the old block, John,” says Lenny. “It’s good to have you back.”

“Thank you,” says John. John taps Homer on the shoulder.

“I’m headed toward the face,” says John. “You wanna come along?” Homer nods.

Later, the two Hickam men approach the coal face.

“Even though I don’t have that piece of paper– the thing from college– they listen to me,” says John. “You know why?”

“Because you know more than they do!” says Homer.

“You bet your life I do,” says John. “Homer, I know the mine like I know a man. I can take one look around here–” John gasps for air, coughing.

“Are you all right?” asks Homer.

John nods, still coughing.

In This Episode

  • Jake Gyllenhall as Homer Hickam
  • Chris Cooper as John Hickam
  • David Dwyer as Jake Mosby
  • Charles Lawlor as Miner
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