GUEST: Myrtle Beach Information Officer Mark Kruea
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John Hickam is carried into his house by ambulance attendants.
Later, Elsie empties an envelope containing two small gray crystals.
“Remember when you gave me these, John?” asks Elsie. “Carbon crystals from the mine.”
“Yeah,” says John, still heavily bandaged in bed. “Honeymoon. At Myrtle Beach.”
“And you said ‘You always wanted diamonds, but these are the best I can do.I wish they were real,” says Elsie. “John, I never wanted diamonds.”
Elsie lays her head on John’s chest, while John pats her shoulder.
Later, Homer sits at his father’s bedside.
“This whole year,” says John, weakly,”has been pretty rough going down at the mine. Bad tempers and — a lot of strike talk. An accident makes things worse.”
“In a way, I guess,” begins Homer,”I’m the one who’s responsible for what happened to Mr. Bykovsky.”
“Listen -” says John.