Minute 045: A Science Fiction Scholarship

  • 12 July, 2024

GUEST: Author David Gerrold

Homer walks into his home, where his mother, father, and brother are entertaining a guest in the living room.

“It’s good,” says John Hickam to the guest. John spots Homer.

“Homer!” says John. “Happy birthday, son. Got some good news for you, Homer. Say hello to Fred Smith from the University of West Virginia.

“Hello, Homer,” says Fred Smith.

“Hi, sir,” says Homer, puzzled.

“Mr. Smith wants Jim to play football. He’s offering him a full scholarship,” says Elsie.

“Well, congratulations, Jim,” says Homer, shaking his brother’s hand.

“Do you play ball, son?” asks Fred Smith.

“No, Homer shoots off rockets,” says Jim. “Whoosh! and all that.”

“Well, rockets are not exactly my field, son…” says Fred Smith, “but maybe if you work hard, you’ll go to college too.”

“Yeah, on a science fiction scholarship, maybe!” laughs Jim.

Later that evening, Homer is frustrasted. He closes the missile design book and looks at his picture of Wernher von Braun.

Homer pens a letter to Dr. von Braun:

“Dear Dr. von Braun, thank you for the autographed picture. It will only further inspire me to keep working toward our all-important goal of entering that science fair this spring.”

Homer sits at his father’s desk at the mine. John Hickham enters the office.

In This Episode

  • Jake Gyllenhall as Homer Hickam
  • Scott Thomas as Jim Hickam
  • Chris Cooper as John Hickam
  • Natalie Canerday as Elsie Hickam
  • Larry Black as Fred Smith
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